2/24/2021 0 Comments Getting Back to Who We AreLast week in my Clubhouse room, Organizing Teaching Spaces, we talked and shared a lot of ideas about how important organization is - with keeping our neuro-diversities in mind. Turns out - not everyone is tuned into or is drawn in by organization systems! What!!! Yes! It's absolutely true! We all have our strengths and styles when it comes to how we keep up with our spaces and materials, just like anything else. What makes sense for me, might not make sense to others, and vice versa. The key though, is that you work with your strengths here. That you create an understanding - with yourself - that in order to be fully functional and efficient, some kind of system must be in operation. Even the simples of them! Working with your strengths will usually result in a decent and perhaps sustainable way to keep on top of things! You know, that's why I created a few cards in which I thought most people may be able to anchor their Organizer-self in! So, are you.... ....Tidy-all-the-Time? ...Tidy-on-Top? ...a Piler or Stacker? or maybe.... a Once-a-Year type of organizer? Who else might you be? Just based on the name itself - which do you tune into immediately? Can you make a definition of your organizer-self using this title? Who do you think can relate? I have so many questions! Would love for you to drop some comments in the box below! And if you want a copy of my Organizer Identity cards, you can grab them here! See if your definition matches with mine! Teachers! Sign up for a FREE coaching call to sort out your professional needs.
Admin! Book a FREE consultation call to set up coaching for your teachers. Subscribe to this blog and be entered to win this month's book draw or surprise giveaway! App endorsements are unpaid. Photos are free from Unsplash or my camera roll.
2/18/2021 0 Comments Disorganization DoomSometimes I think that people don't take me seriously when I talk about how important it is to establish systems of organization. Organization is not a surface level event. It requires sets of skills, a depth of understanding, and a willingness to make changes and improvements. I think it's fairly safe to say that most of us have felt the overwhelm and feelings of doom when we are in spaces that are cluttered, junky or in the space in which we are constantly overloaded with tasks. A few recent blog posts I've read on sites such as PsychCentral and ScaryMommy, I know they aren't scientific journals but, real people are sharing these serious emotional responses to too much stuff in spaces, too many things to manage, and not enough time in a day sort it all out. These emotional responses affect us daily in our personal lives, and that overflows into our professional lives. One might think I'm making a lot of assumptions here, but... I know I'm not. I know how easy it is to be on top of thing one minute and slip into the abyss an hour later. I've been there! Many times! An organized (teaching) life requires dedication and effort. It isn't easy. You know that --- and I know that! But it's possible to get yourself --- and your students --- set up for success. The impending feeling of doom when you enter your overwhelming spaces isn't normal, and we have to stop letting it be just that. Teachers! Sign up for a FREE coaching call to sort out your professional needs.
Admin! Book a FREE consultation call to set up coaching for your teachers. Subscribe to this blog and be entered to win this month's book draw or surprise giveaway! App endorsements are unpaid. Photos are free from Unsplash or my camera roll. 2/10/2021 0 Comments How Does This Room Make You Feel?How does the room you're in right now make you feel? Look around, then close your eyes. Are you relaxed? Stressed? Present? Overstimulated? If your space makes you feel relaxed, what is it that makes you feel that way? If your space makes you feel stressed or overwhelmed, ask yourself the same question. What is causing the emotion you feel when you are in that space? What do you need to do to shift the emotion from stressed to calm? How can you amplify or translate the calmness to a space that makes you feel stressed?
All of these considerations can have an impact on your performance as a teacher and how your students respond. What you do right now can create a greater sense of usefulness and calm is you begin making small changes. Check in with yourself often. You deserve it. Teachers! Sign up for a FREE coaching call to sort out your professional needs. Admin! Book a FREE consultation call to set up coaching for your teachers. Subscribe to this blog and be entered to win this month's book draw or surprise giveaway! App endorsements are unpaid. Photos are free from Unsplash or my camera roll. 2/4/2021 0 Comments What's the One Thing?What's the one thing in your classroom or work space that just bothers you so much? For me, it's the cords. Phone cord, laptop cord, ring light cord, head phone cord. Cords, cords, cords! I hate cords. When they tangle, it feels like my brain also tangles. For Jamie, it was paper - actually Jamie was admittedly a paper addict. So let's call that a love/hate relationship. Jamie knew she needed to rid herself of all that paper in her space. So you know what Jamie did after we chatted a bit about decluttering? She bought a scanner, scanned the docs and saved them into a digital space. No more paper taking up her cute workspace anymore! Check out her post on the Organizing Teaching Spaces page on Facebook! Jamie - I'm so glad you found some peace with paper! Teachers! Sign up for a FREE coaching call to sort out your professional needs. Admin! Book a FREE consultation call to set up coaching for your teachers. Subscribe to this blog and be entered to win this month's book draw or surprise giveaway! App endorsements are unpaid. Photos are free from Unsplash or my camera roll. |
October 2024
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