10/1/2022 0 Comments But Who's Supporting the Work?We've been seeing more and more people preaching about "doing less in schools"... Yes I am one of them. But as I see these posts come out, I wonder who's actually doing it and supporting the work?
Embodying minimalism in your school setting and teaching life is a challenging task - one that takes time. It takes time to unpack mindsets and a development of understanding how critical this work is. We are supporting this work. We have held sessions for many educators from Halifax to Warsaw. We have worked one-to-one with teachers who want to make changes for their sanity and to improve their teaching practice. They see the value and want to do it. We are here for the journey. And it is a journey. I just read Daniel Goleman's book, Focus - a great book about getting people, leadership, and companies to the next level by choosing focus. On the final page are some words of the Dalai Lama, and they are what seem to be sticking right now because it reminds me of doing less to set our future generations up for success. "Start the task even if it will not be fulfilled within your lifetime. This generation has a responsibility to reshape the world. If we make it an effort, it is possible to achieve. Even if it seems hopeless now, never give up. Offer a positive vision, with enthusiasm and joy, and an optimist outlook." This is how we begin to change systems that negate our desire to do and be well.
October 2024
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