The holiday season can be very stressful for a lot of reasons. Family, travel, money, illness.
It's easy to get sucked into an abyss of all the things you feel like you have to or need to do. Here are three ways we can think about our circumstances differently, which can help us manage all that the season brings. 1. Reframe how you view your to-do's. Instead of saying, "I have to do this..." or "I need to get..." try being a little kinder to yourself. Telling yourself that you have to or need to do something can create a sense of urgency and unnecessary perceived stress Instead, try saying, "I get to go to..." to frame the to-do list in a positive ways. Perhaps this will even help you remove some items from your list, just by changing the way you think about them. 2. Ask yourself some questions. You know I love a question stream! Try asking:
3. Spend time instead of money. If you are feeling financial and time pressure, offer spending time together with your people over using your time to find just the right gift. Or maybe you decide to go to a concert or a nice dinner together. Spending money on experiences together can relieve some of that pressure you feel. Still unsyre about the holidays? Step away from your device and give yourself sometime to determine what is most important for you to focus on during the season. Your people will appreciate your thoughtfulness, however you decide to spend your time, money, and energy.
October 2024
Photos from wuestenigel, wuestenigel, wuestenigel, markus119, cowbite, mikecogh, shixart1985, symphony of love, kennethkonica,, wuestenigel, quinn.anya, Chuckcars, Dave Hamster, mikecogh, wuestenigel, debaird™, wuestenigel, shixart1985, trekkyandy, frankieleon, Sue90ca MORE OFF THAN ON, WarmSleepy, symphony of love, Marcus Hansson, Cliff Johnson, Leonard J Matthews, Archives Branch, USMC History Division, tmray02, Rawpixel Ltd, joostmarkerink, Andrew Gustar, Thomas James Caldwell, Dano