11/18/2021 0 Comments Chatting with SueThis morning, my co-author and I recorded a podcast episode with her friend and former colleague centered around our book, The Minimalist Teacher. The more we talk to people about this approach, the more realizations I have.
Realizations about... ... the takeaways that readers are experiencing, ... the need for this approach in education, ... and about me. One of Sue's Takeaways: Christine and I intentionally wrote the book so it didn't have to be read as a whole. The intention was for readers to read the chapter(s) that popped out to them, grab nuggets and role with them. In our chat with Sue, it was clear that she gravitated to one chapter in particular - decluttering instructional strategies and assessment. While it was completely satisfying to hear that our intention was achieved, the conversation we had about strategically choosing low-prep yet high leverage instructional practices that cross time, content, and grade level was exactly the thinking we hoped readers would consider and run with. Needed Approach in the Field: The book is called The Minimalist Teacher, yes, but it's written in a way that we hoped would pull in any educator, regardless of role. Our field is a volatile place and we are not seeing much being done to truly support teachers and giving them time and autonomy to focus on teaching, and keeping themselves well. The minimalist movement is about much more than decluttering closets and cupboards. It's a transformative process that can potentially change how educators feel about remaining in the field. About Me: After our last couple of conversations with folks for podcast recordings, I'm realizing more and more how much I really do rely on this way of thinking and living. It's a natural process for me to question and find the purpose of what I'm doing. There are definitely times when I lose site of my purpose and I have to reprioritize, but I am more aware now how helpful this really is.
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