2/10/2021 0 Comments How Does This Room Make You Feel?How does the room you're in right now make you feel? Look around, then close your eyes. Are you relaxed? Stressed? Present? Overstimulated? If your space makes you feel relaxed, what is it that makes you feel that way? If your space makes you feel stressed or overwhelmed, ask yourself the same question. What is causing the emotion you feel when you are in that space? What do you need to do to shift the emotion from stressed to calm? How can you amplify or translate the calmness to a space that makes you feel stressed?
All of these considerations can have an impact on your performance as a teacher and how your students respond. What you do right now can create a greater sense of usefulness and calm is you begin making small changes. Check in with yourself often. You deserve it. Teachers! Sign up for a FREE coaching call to sort out your professional needs. Admin! Book a FREE consultation call to set up coaching for your teachers. Subscribe to this blog and be entered to win this month's book draw or surprise giveaway! App endorsements are unpaid. Photos are free from Unsplash or my camera roll.
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