10/7/2020 0 Comments Limit your intakeIf you read last week's post, you will have had some time to think about the clarity of your goals in meetings, lessons, etc. So let's think about what can impede our goals from becoming fulfilled... our close friend, the media. We are distracted from our center point when we are always watching what's wrong with the world and focussing our attention on things we cannot control. What you CAN control is your media and social media intake. What's worse than continually being exposed to an assortment of media stories that emanate negativity followed by negative comments, and exude people's negative energy? Not much! And guess what? We do this by choice! We are amid a whole smorgasbord of negative, with a tiny side dish of joy. Let's shift this! How can we make that a more joyous smorgasbord rather than one that is full of week-old crab legs and stinky, rotting fruit. In on our original post (link below), my co-author and I shared the importance of choosing a couple of trusted media sources to get your news, and then turn off the rest. Here are some further tips to help you navigate towards positivity: 1. Find one trusted, fact-based news source. Watch or listen for no longer than an hour per day. 2. Limit your time on scrolling Facebook or Instagram, or whatever your pleasure time social media outlet is. These platforms are fun, but it is more than easy to be absorbed into a comparative culture of envy and unnecessary online shopping. So before you open the app, consider your purpose in being there, and limit your time to 30 minutes. 3. Consider what you share from your social media. Think through the messages and vibes you send out to your connections will also affect the feedback you receive in your comments section. Since you have been conscious about what you are intaking, be mindful of what you are outputting. Social media is a reciprocal experience. We feed into it as much as it gets sent out to us, and then some. Free yourself of the control your phone has over your time, and consider using that extra time to watch docu-series, take a walk, or visit an outdoor space to clear some mental space for more important things in your life. Read the full ASCD Inservice post here.
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